Get permanent deposit address for users
Users can deposit any amount flexibly at any time.
Each App ID of the merchant can obtain 1000 addresses via the interface. If you want more addresses available, please contact customer service for depth help.
Get addresses that will not expire for users to deposit directly;
Name | Type | Description |
Sign* | string | SHA-256 (APPID + APP Secret +timestamp+body (json string)). Signature guide. |
Timestamp* | string | Timestamp in seconds (10-digit). The request is valid for two minutes. |
Appid* | string | Merchant's unique credential. Find it on the Developer page |
Content-Type* | String | application/json; charset=utf-8 |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
user_id* | string | User ID, unique identification 3-64characters |
chain* | string | Blockchain network, unique identification |
notify_url | string | The URL address will be notified via a POST request when the order status changes. Ensure the URL is accessible to receive notifications from the payment platform. |
Response (Success 200)
Name | Value | Required | Type | Description |
Appid | 202302010636261620672405236006912 | Y | String | Merchant's unique credential. Find it on the Developer page |
Timestamp | 1677152490 | Y | String | Timestamp in seconds (10-digit). The request is valid for two minutes. |
Sign | 871f0223c66ea72435208d03603a0cb00b90f6ac4a4ba725d00164d967e291f6 | Y | String | SHA-256(appId + appSecret + timestamp+body(json string)) |
Name | Value | Required | Type | Description |
address | TYWnk1EGALQyYst2yFSd29QQQTEkuKMbyt | String | The corresponds to the chain address of the network | |
memo | 12345 | String | Tag data of Memo coins, used to label and identify user addresses |
Note: Each user only has one deposit address with each chain.
The deposit introduction:
The system will scan the transaction on the blockchain when it receives the notice of deposit and credit the assets to the merchant’s account after checking success. And will send the deposit success notification to the webhook URL specified by the merchant.
The address obtained from the interface only receives the token listed on CCPayment. Check the token list for details. Please do not deposit unlisted tokens to CCPayment to avoid asset loss.
Webhook notification
CCPayment will notify merchants the final transaction results. Go to Webhook Configuration Guide.
Once the merchant has processed the order, please return {http code: 200} and include a “success” string in the HTTP response body.
If CCPayment does not receive “success” as a response from the merchant, CCPayment will keep pushing the notification up to 6 times. Any response other than “success” will be regarded as a failure, and CCPayment will keep sending the notification.
Last updated